Immersive and interactive Virtual Reality

3D Visual Creative Studio specializes in the creation of immersive and interactive Virtual Reality.

Virtual Reality (VR) involves all those techniques that allow people to live sensory experiences of places or objects, whether they are real or imaginary, through simulation usable through the so-called HMDs (Head Mounted Displays), even without the aid of a PC.

All the advantages of virtual reality:

It can be said to be” Better than Reality” itself

Our Virtual Reality involves people in a profound, immediate and persistent way; thanks to the study of quality digital stories, users feel they are experiencing real places, hear real sounds and see real things.

Stimuli and Emotions

Virtual Reality is an advantage especially for the study of emotions, because, by reproducing more realistic experimental settings, it is able to arouse more emotions and emotional changes.

Savings and safety

With immersive and interactive Virtual Reality the advantages are also economic since different stimuli are tested without the need to physically realize them, by evaluating their safety in advance.

Remote creativity

VR allows to show something that doesn't exist yet, cancel distances, reproduce the accomplishment of work, increase engagement and performance, and refine maintenance processes and technical assistance.

Thanks to the experience gained over time and the approach to problem solving, we are able to tackle any project concerning virtual reality, always offering the right solution, both in terms of yield and costs.

Application Fields

Virtual Reality for design and construction
Virtual Reality for yacht design
Virtual Reality for tourism
Virtual Reality for fairs and events
Virtual Reality for exhibitions and museums
Virtual Reality for Industry
Virtual reality for training
Virtual Reality for showrooms
Virtual Reality for product design

Works Performed
